The Student’s Role in Arranging Accommodations

  • Before/During the first 2 weeks of the term:
    • Notify Accommodations and instructor(s) about receiving approved accommodations and provide them a copy of their accommodations letter.
  • At least 7 days (incl. weekends) in advance:
    • Email Accommodations and cc’ their instructor about their request for accommodations arrangements for a particular test or exam.
  • Within 48 hours of instructor’s confirmation:
    • Receive a follow up email from Accommodations that includes the instructor’s confirmation and arrangement details from Accommodations and reply “Yes” to that email (cc’ their instructor) to confirm.
  • Students are responsible for booking exams with Accommodations well in advance.
    • For all exams during the term:
      • At least 7 days (incl. weekends) before the exam date.
    • For final exams at the end of the term:
      • at least 14 days (incl. weekends) before the start of the final exam period.

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