Curbside Outreach is a monthly service initiative that brings together students, staff, and faculty to serve communities living in Vancouver's Downtown East Side at The Door is Open. After a long hiatus due to the pandemic, Curbside Outreach resumed in February 2022.

Here, first-year student Reina Hara shares her experience volunteering with Curbside Outreach in February.

Curbside Outreach at The Door is Open is an opportunity for Corpus Christi College students to volunteer on the Downtown Eastside, where many people struggle with difficulties such as poverty, drug and alcohol addiction, and physical and mental issues. In the evening hours, when most other outreach facilities are closed, The Door is Open provides hot dogs and hot chocolate, as well as a variety of other services, to local residents.

Through the INSPIRE Leadership course, I was able to be a part of the Door is Open. As a volunteer, I helped set up and distribute the food. When I first arrived I was anxious, as I didn’t know what to expect, but I have found it to be a rewarding experience. The line of people who wanted to receive the food and drinks went around the block, with over 130 people.

My favorite part of the night was interacting with the residents.

Many of them wanted to talk to us and share their stories. While interactions were limited due to COVID, simply talking to residents allowed me to get to know them and opened my eyes to how fortunate I am.

Not only was I able to interact with the residents of Downtown Eastside, but I was able to make new friends through volunteering.

Working together with other students helped me build friendships I never knew I would make.

Volunteering at The Door is Open was an opportunity for me to connect with and help others, which made me realize how I have the power to make a difference in other people’s lives.

I continue to use my privilege to serve others, as my small actions, such as volunteering for a couple of hours, can be valuable.

For more information on how to volunteer with Curbside Outreach, email [email protected].


"It is clear that everyone in the community is connected, almost like a home away from home."

Annika Ramento shares what her experience as an international student has been like at Corpus Christi College. Annika is a first-year student studying courses related to business. 

As someone who finds comfort in the predictable, change has always been a little daunting to me. While I do think that I can adapt to different situations relatively well, I find solace in being in an environment that’s safe, routine, and familiar. Moving to Canada after living in the Philippines for all 21 years of my life was—and still is—tough, but after only one semester in Corpus Christi College, I can’t help but think that choosing to study in this school definitely made the transition a lot easier for me.

When I first entered the school, I thought I was prepared for what was to come. I had gone through different scenarios of how this day would go, planned for every possible outcome. But as I walked to my classroom, no amount of planning could stop the nerves from getting to me. I was opening up a whole new chapter of my life but instead of being excited, I felt a little lost.


I didn’t know anyone whom I could go to for help, to run to when the days were cloudy, and so for the first time in my life, I felt truly alone.

It didn’t take me long, however, to realize how tightly-knit the Corpus Christi community actually is. As an international student, I joined the International Peer Mentorship Program. I was given a student mentor who I could consider a friend to show me the ropes of all I could do and all I could be in this vibrant new community. This program also allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and try out new activities like the UBC Football game and other events where I got to meet even more people and make new friends.


As I started to become immersed in the school’s events and core values, it became more obvious to me that the people around me—from my classmates and professors to the different student advisers—really did care for me and pushed me to become a better version of myself.

One experience, in particular, that really made me feel that sense of comfort and community was just a few weeks into the semester when I had a short chat with one of the Enrolment Services officers. It was not something that was planned or expected; I had never even met her before but I really felt like I was catching up with a good friend. It was so heartwarming to have such a genuine and fun conversation with someone in the college and since then, I’ve come to realize that there are so many people who are just as welcoming and understanding. If I have some questions on my academic performance, I can easily set up a meeting with the Academic Advisor, and if I decide to look into some new opportunities, I can pop by the Lion’s Den for a quick chat.

Because of the college’s relatively small population in comparison to other universities, it is clear that everyone in the community is connected, almost like a home away from home.


Whether it be during class, at Plato’s Cave, or at one of the student life activities, you can easily find a friend who looks out for you and genuinely cares for you.

While I am still getting used to this new life, I have come to realize that change is okay. There may still be some challenges here and there, but I can rest easy knowing that I have found a group of people who will be there through my sunny days and cloudy ones too. The first few weeks weren’t easy, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that this community will welcome you with open arms and make you one of their own. There’s definitely no shortage of family here.

This Valentine’s Day, we celebrate the tales of romances that grew among alumni in classrooms, lunch tables and hallways. Corpus isn’t just a place where alumni have studied and graduated. For special couples, like Irene and Neil, Corpus is where they fell in love.

Irene and Neil

The first words Irene said to her future husband, Neil, after seeing him playing the bagpipes were, “I really hate the bagpipes.” 21 years later, Irene reflects that the bagpipes eventually grew on her. The two met in their first year at Corpus Christi College in the early 2000s, one of the first classes at Corpus, and began their connection with a friendship. Shortly after starting dating in second year, they knew this relationship would go the distance. “After a month, we both knew that we were each other’s people.”

During their time at Corpus, they enjoyed the close-knit community and the opportunities for activities outside the classroom, such as trips to Pemberton and Keats Island. “There were a lot of great experiences at Corpus. The teachers were phenomenal,” said Irene. “We always used to say, I’m a name, not a number.” (A phrase that is still used by today’s Corpus students!)

Fast forward and the two were married by Fr. James Hanrahan, CSB, one of their phenomenal teachers at the College. Irene remarked on the specialness of having Fr. Hanrahan officiate, “He taught us and he saw our love blossom.”

The bagpipes that sparked their first conversation continued to have a role in their lives with Neil receiving a bagpiping scholarship to Monmouth College in the US. Irene transferred to Simon Fraser University after Corpus and both Irene and Neil graduated from business programs.

Irene values Neil’s quick wit and his ongoing care for others. “He has a wicked sense of humour. He’s funny…He’s really quick on his feet. He is the most generous person you will ever meet. He’s got a big heart.” Neil similarly admires the way Irene puts others before herself and how generous she is with her time, focusing on the benefits of others.

After over two decades together, and two children together, their relationship continues to grow and blossom. “Every day we fall more in love with each other,” says Irene.

A big thanks to Irene and Neil for sharing their story with us!
Did you find love at Corpus? Our Alumni Office would love to hear from you. Connect with Jay Cruz, Alumni Relations Officer.

E: [email protected]
T: 604-827-069

Are you a Grade 12 student thinking of applying to the Circle of Fellows scholarship program?

Applying to a prestigious scholarship program with so much at stake – two years of full tuition, opportunities for leadership development, personalized mentorship, and more – can be intimidating. But rest assured, the scholarship committee just wants to get to know you through your application.

Our current and previous Junior Fellows have been in your shoes and experienced it all – from brainstorming what to write about in their leadership essays to stepping into their panel interview to saying “yes” to Corpus Christi College and to this scholarship program. We asked previous winners to share one piece of advice with Grade 12 students who are working on their Circle of Fellows applications. Here are their insider tips to make your application shine.

  • Focus on being authentic rather than the "perfect applicant." Share your strengths, weaknesses, passions and goals. – Emma
  • Review everything you have done throughout high school, pick the things that made the most impact in your community and talk about those. It's your story and no one can tell it better than you. – Anthony
  • Don’t undermine any of your experiences when listing them in your application. Mention anything and everything that has shaped you into the person you are today, regardless of how big or small the opportunity. – Agam
  • Instead of writing to sound impressive, I wrote more towards what matters to me. I chose to prove why my acts of service (or leadership) are valuable to me and why I’m passionate about them. When you write in a way that shows not only what you love to do but why, it’s easy for the people reading your application to read through the lines and discover who you are as a person, as well as your character. My tip is this: don’t just show the opportunities you’ve been given, show what they’ve meant to you and why they are so meaningful. Use your application as a chance to display who you are. – Sawyer
  • Share your beautiful self. I shared my story and my love of service in the scholarship application then was invited for an interview. The panel members were so caring and I already felt very comfortable. The interview was more of an engaging conversation with them. – Raisa
  • One tip I would recommend is connecting your experiences. Rather than listing everything, choose certain activities that have impacted you and explain how you've grown into and can be a capable leader. – Maria Therese
  • When writing your application, really focus on how your experiences have shaped who you are today, whether that be academically, or through extra-curriculars or volunteer positions. Write about what you did, what you learned and how this will help you be a leader at Corpus through the COF program. Best of luck to all the applicants, I am so excited for you all! – Lauren

Our Junior Fellows are rooting for your success and are eager for you to join them next fall. Apply by February 1!

launchApply now

By Derrick Mow

Do you ever find yourself lacking in motivation or energy, trying to find a groove in your daily routines and responsibilities? This feeling of “languishing” - a term coined in an article from The New York Times - is a sense of stagnation, a "blah" feeling, as if we are going through the motions of our daily lives without a sense of purpose. 

Whether you are taking classes in-person or virtually, it can be tough to stay motivated. Here are a few tips and tricks on how to find motivation in college, and how to use that energy towards being the best that you can be. 


1) Think About the "Why"

When we think of motivation, we often think of two different types: extrinsic motivation, which is guided by external factors like money or fame, and intrinsic motivation, which is guided by internal factors like personal growth. When talking about higher education, an example of this might be the difference between taking a class because your friends are in it and taking a class because you enjoy and are inspired by the material. While taking a class with your friends might be fun, it might also be frustrating if you find yourself losing interest in the material. Developing an internal reason as to why you are doing what you are doing enables you to clarify your intentions, making it easier to push yourself in whatever it is you wish to do. 

2) Use Inspiration As a Motivator 

Human beings are naturally motivated by things we are interested in. Making time for the things we love enables us to find pleasure and motivation in our lives, and it gives us space to reflect and find meaning. When it comes to studies, this could mean taking courses in things you are inspired by or curious about. Exploring subjects that inspire you may add depth and meaning to your life, making classwork, exams and assignments seem less like a chore and more like part of an intellectual journey. 

3) Be Organized

College can be messy. From upcoming deadlines to financial responsibilities to the latest dorm-hall gossip, it can be hard to stay on top of your purpose and find meaning in the college experience. By staying organized and limiting procrastination as much as possible, you can bypass the stressful all-nighters which often occur at the end of a semester. You will also gain a better sense of direction and purpose if you have things in order, saving you time and supporting your overall wellbeing. 

4) Surround Yourself With Motivated People

Surrounding yourself with friends who are similarly motivated to succeed academically will enable you to feel less tempted to falter on your goals. You won’t be tempted to neglect your studies on nights that require your academic attention, and you will feel secure doing so. Remember, you are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with. Surround yourself with friends who challenge you to reach your goals, instead of friends who may tempt you to do other things, such as skipping class and partying on nights when you have exams and tests coming up. You can also try getting to know your professors during office hours. Your professors are always there to guide you in your academic journey, and inspire you to do your best. Pro tip: professors can be a valuable source of wisdom during your college years!


College is a time for self-exploration, intellectual growth, and lifelong friendships. However, it can be hard to find the proper motivation and inspiration to find your passion and to hopefully make a career out of it. While life as a university student may be tough, remember to apply these four tips to help you stay motivated and inspired to learn throughout your Corpus Christi-St. Mark's College journey and beyond. 

Derrick Mow is a former student at Corpus Christi College who studied courses in Screenwriting, Film Production, Literature and the Visual Arts. He is now in his third year of undergraduate studies at University of British Columbia, where he is completing his Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and minor in Philosophy.

The fall term is in full swing, and that means exams to take, essays to write, and group projects to get done. While we love the study nooks around our own campus, sometimes a change of scenery is good for the brain!

Our student interns rounded up some of their favorite study spots around the UBC campus, just steps away from Corpus Christi College.

Great Dane Coffee
6011 Walter Gage Road (Beside Vancouver School of Theology)
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Located right beside the Vancouver School of Theology (VST) and less than a five-minute walk from Corpus Christi College, Great Dane Coffee provides a quiet and relaxing atmosphere for studying. Take a bite from its large variety of delicious scones and a sip from one of its renowned coffee and tea beverages as you catch up on your coursework. The seating area is outside but is covered and includes heaters and a cozy fireplace.

Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
1961 E Mall
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The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre provides ample study space for students. You can choose to study openly on any of the three floors, or study at one of its quiet rooms. You can even book a private room to yourself in the basement, or take advantage of the vast research resources that its library offers.

Loafe Cafe
6163 University Blvd.
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Located on the main floor of the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre, Loafe Cafe offers a great study spot for students. Surrounded by lush greenery and boasting an open patio, Loafe is the perfect study spot for Saturday mornings, with a great selection of coffees and snacks. Loafe also offers a great proximity to other locations on campus, as well as a great view of the hustle and bustle of campus since it's just a few minutes from the UBC Bus Loop.

Asian Library
1871 West Mall (By Place Vanier)
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The Asian Library at UBC is really a hidden gem. Located on West Mall, the Asian Library can be only accessed from a concrete path, which makes it more secluded than the other spots on campus. Only relatively known to UBC Asian Studies students, the Asian Library offers a sense of calm that can be found in few other places.

Law Library at Allard Hall
Allard Hall, 1822 E Mall (2nd floor of law school)
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Located on the second floor of the UBC Allard School of Law, the Law Library is one of the most elaborate libraries on campus. It offers great views of the Burrard Inlet and the North Shore Mountains, and has great amenities such as computers and study desks. Also, the added bonus of being around hard-working law students might just motivate you to achieve your own academic goals.

Bonus: Wreck Beach - just not for rainy days!
Where: 6572 NW Marine Drive (Take Trail 6 to get down)
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Believe it or not, the infamous clothing-optional beach at UBC offers a sense of peace hard to find anywhere else around campus. Simply sit on one of the logs, peer into the calm waves, and contemplate. Perhaps you are thinking of what to write for your philosophy paper, or trying to come up with a speech for your political science class. Low and behold, Wreck Beach offers the perfect place for contemplation - just be sure to respect the privacy of others on the beach!


Will you be trying out one of these spots for your next study session?

Until this month, it had been a while since we had stepped foot into the classroom, and many of us are still getting used to life on campus. If you're taking classes in person, you've probably noticed by now that getting ready in the morning takes a bit more planning when you have to leave your bedroom to go to school.

To help make your mornings easier, our student interns put together a list of the campus essentials that keep them feeling productive, energized, and comfy, even on the busiest of days.

Keep an eye on our Instagram page throughout the year. We'll be offering a number of giveaways where you can win some of these items and more!

1. Water bottle

Staying hydrated is important for your overall health, and a good insulated water bottle that fits in your bag will help you meet your daily water needs while keeping your drink cool throughout a long day of classes and extracurricular activities. Plus, in the long run, you'll save money and help the environment by investing in a sturdy, reusable water bottle rather than buying water on campus.

2. Slim wallet

A good cardholder to keep your cards organized is a must for every college student. As a college student, you'll have to keep track of many cards - your student ID card, UBC affiliate card, Compass card, library card, and more. A good cardholder with an ergonomic design will fit comfortably in your pocket for easy access and ensure that your cards are in place.

3. Agenda or notebook 

Some of us rely on the calendar apps on our phones to schedule our lives, but for those who wish to minimize screen time, investing in an agenda is a great alternative to keep your life organized.

Likewise, a good notebook is essential for writing down notes during class or organizing your thoughts before writing an essay. Pick a notebook with high-quality, thick pages, which will ensure your writing will not bleed through.

4. Headphones

Whether you're on a long bus ride or working out at the gym, a good pair of headphones to listen to your favorite music and audiobooks will help you pass the time or keep you more focused. Choose a pair with noise-reducing capabilities to tune out excess noise (and your noisy roommate).

5. Dorm Art

If you live in campus housing or just moved into your first apartment, make your room feel like home by investing in some personalized dorm art. Dorm rooms are known for their drab furnishings, so make your room unique to you by investing in interesting decorations which reveal your personality.

6. Hoodie

We all know that feeling when you wake up later than expected and have less than half an hour to get ready for school. For some, picking out outfits in a rush can be a hassle. That’s why it is important to invest in a good hoodie. Pair one with a pair of jeans to go to class, or a pair of sweatpants for the gym.

7. Sweater

If a hoodie isn't your style, a good sweater is the ultimate piece of clothing for the fall season. Not too casual and not too dressed-up, a sweater can be worn in a variety of ways depending on the occasion and is bound to keep you warm and cozy during the fall and winter months.

8. Jogger pants

Jogger pants, which are slim-cut and made of sweat-wicking material, are a great addition to any college student’s wardrobe. These pants are highly versatile and can be worn in the gym or in the classroom. Jogger pants are perfect for when you feel too lazy to pick an outfit but still want to look good.

9. Dad hat

The dad hat is a go-to clothing item for when you are in a rush to do your hair in the morning. Pick a hat in a neutral colour, such as black or navy, to pair with a variety of outfits.

10. Waterproof boots

Vancouver is called “Rain City” for a reason. Especially if you're commuting, invest in a pair of waterproof boots in order to ensure your feet are dry during the wettest months of the year.

Many universities offer orientations and campus tours but if you are looking for a different kind of welcome, look no further than Chester, the animal ambassador at Corpus Christi College.

Chester welcomes students, parents, and staff with a wag of his tail and deep brown doe eyes that reflect the warmth of Corpus Christi. Affectionately known as the Canine Executive Officer (CEO), Chester’s CEO duties involve lounging in sun spots, staring at students while they eat, and bringing joy wherever he goes. Chester loves to sprawl outside the Welcome Centre and greet every visitor to the campus.

Spending time with our furry friend Chester can do wonders for your mood while writing a never-ending essay or during a tough exam period. If you are interested in rewarding Chester for a job well done, he accepts approved treats and tummy rubs as payment.

Check out the @corpusvancouver Instagram account where Chester updates students on his work at the College and receives fan mail.

The fall semester is upon us, and for many Corpus students, that means transitioning from virtual learning to in-person learning. No longer can you simply wake up, brush your teeth, and log into your Zoom class. This semester will actually require you to show up to class in more than pajama pants. (Well, technically you could). With this transition back to in-person learning, there are a few questions that you might have unanswered. How should I get to school? Should I transit? Should I drive? Or should I live on campus? After two years of studying at the greater UBC campus, I’ve concluded that there are pros and cons to each option.

The Pros and Cons of Driving

By driving to class, you will have greater freedom in your college experience while still living at home or off-campus. You can stay after class to hang out with your friends and engage in extracurricular activities, such as intramural events and late-night studying, without having to worry about transit schedules. However, the price of a car can be expensive, along with the additional fees of maintenance, gas, parking, and insurance. There is no free parking for students on the Corpus Christi-St. Mark's College campus, and parking at UBC costs at least several hundred dollars per term . Nonetheless, you will save on commute time, as you are in full control of your own transportation. For instance, an average commute via bus and Skytrain from Richmond to UBC takes roughly an hour and fifteen minutes. The average drive takes around half an hour. For students who value efficiency and the ability to engage in more extracurricular activities, driving to school can be a pricey, albeit efficient mode of transportation.

In addition, more and more students are delaying getting their driver’s licenses, as they rely on public transportation. Although you can rely on public transportation as a means of getting around, getting a driver’s license is important, as driving is a key skill to have as an adult. Plus, driving is fun—you can drive your friends around!

The Pros and Cons of Transiting

There is nothing more satisfying than taking a nap on the bus, only to wake up from the final screech at the UBC Bus Loop. While transiting to class offers the flexibility of being able to catch up on sleep and to study on the bus, having a long daily commute can also be stressful and tiring. You might also miss out on various extracurricular activities, as you might not be able to stay for long after class if you have a bus to catch. An important tip if you are transiting to school is to schedule your classes packed together and on specific days, in order to save on commute time. Though taking transit might be more tiring than driving to school or living on campus, it does offer the benefit of frugality, as your transit fees are subsidized by the UBC U-Pass.

Taking transit is the most cost-efficient mode of transportation for college students.

The Pros and Cons of Living on Campus

Another popular option is simply living on campus. Corpus Christi and St. Mark’s College students have the option of living at St. Andrew’s Hall, a residence directly across from the Vancouver School of Theology, or the Carey Centre, which is just across the street from our main campus building. Living on campus allows for greater flexibility and independence, as you are responsible for your own needs and lifestyle. Since you do not have to commute each morning, you have more time in your day to study, exercise, or to simply relax. Though living on campus can be expensive, it offers both convenience and the typical collegiate lifestyle, as you can engage in more extracurricular activities and get to know your roommates. Personally, I would recommend living on campus and experiencing dorm life for at least one year during your time at college.

So what’s it going to be? Are you going to drive, transit, or live on campus? Though the choices and the opportunities which come with each option are vast, I can assure you that you will enjoy your time at Corpus Christi College regardless of your living situation. The memories from your time here won’t necessarily be from the time spent in the car, on the bus, or in your dorm room. The memories that will last will come from your experiences with your friends, instructors, and your fellow classmates. Still, each option has its own pros and cons—pros and cons which you might want to consider when planning for this school year or the next.


This post was written by Derrick Mow. Derrick is a former student at Corpus Christi College who studied courses in Screenwriting, Film Production, Literature and the Visual Arts. He is now in his third year of undergraduate studies at University of British Columbia, where he is completing his Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and minor in Philosophy.

By Derrick Mow

The fall semester is coming, and at Corpus Christi College, this means many of you are looking ahead to your courses and thinking about what subjects you might like to explore.

I had the opportunity to interview Kenton MacDonald-Lin, a film and media studies instructor here at Corpus Christi College, about his perspectives on the discipline and how engaging in filmmaking and film critique has influenced his life for the better.

Kenton is sitting in his backyard on a cool morning in his home in North Vancouver, where he has lived for the past ten years or so. He is wearing a breezy short-sleeve floral shirt, paying homage to his Hawaiian roots. Cool, calm, and collected, his demeanour is exactly what you would expect from a film instructor. Introspective. Rational. Precise. Kenton credits film as not only a means of entertainment, but also a means of constructive storytelling.

Kenton: “The pandemic has forced people to realize the true value of media. We are dependent on good stories, which enrich our lives. We want to learn life lessons, but we do not want to experience the consequences which may come forth by doing so. Thus, we turn to film and storytelling.”

To Kenton, the elements of filmmaking can all be found in the nuances of life. Elements such as acting can arise out of instances of courage. The element of storytelling can be found when we reenact scenes from our lives, or when we tell our friends and family the silly anecdotes from our day-to-day lives. Through his courses and work, Kenton wishes to empower people to have stewardship over storytelling—to own and to care for one’s own unique experiences. People often think that their experiences are irrelevant, that their lives are not exciting. That is the biggest misbelief one can have—even the most seemingly irrelevant of stories can have the ability to inspire, to invoke awe, and to add flavour to one’s life.

Kenton: “You know, this is a weird story, but when I was in high school I ran for student body president and I won. What’s even weirder was the fact that I beat the prom queen.”

Derrick: “Sort of like Napoleon Dynamite?”

Kenton: [Chuckles] “Exactly like Napoleon Dynamite. I was this geeky kid in high school and there I was, winning student body president. Long before the elections, I volunteered to lead the committee for our school spirit week. I rallied friends for a week of events and together we put on a memorable talent show. I was invigorated, and thanks to a friend of mine, I got the idea of making my election speech dressed like “The Godfather.” There I was, up on the stage looking like Don Corleone, talking about my anecdotes and stories as a student. And that’s when I realized the power of storytelling—the fact that it has the ability to connect human beings, regardless of differences.”

Derrick: "That really is true. Stories are the one thing that can unite people, even if they are from different backgrounds or different lifestyles. What do you think a student can learn from one of your classes?”

Kenton: “That really depends on the course. In my FILM 100 course (Intro to Film), they can learn how to truly appreciate the medium of film. Think of a foodie who is interested in food and the culinary arts. They may enjoy eating food but they may not know the ins and outs of cooking, the various combinations of flavours which make good food, and the basics of cuisine. Everyone in their life has watched films, but this course will really teach you the things to look for in a good film. This course will teach you how to critique films, and the basic compositions of filmmaking—the lighting, the sound, the editing, the cinematography, etc. What I love about this course is when we get to explore “Meaning in Film,” and when students appreciate how filmmakers do this. Also, students learn to engage the various themes and concepts in film while growing in their ability to reflect critically in the process. FILM 100 is a good stepping-stone for other liberal arts courses such as philosophy, sociology, and psychology."

Derrick: “What about the other courses you teach?”

Kenton: “In my FILM 283 course (Intro to Screenwriting), students will learn how to incorporate their own personal experiences into shorts and full-length feature films and learn about story structure at the same time. It is a special course in which students will be able to write their very own full-length screenplay.

In my FILM 233 course (Intro to Film Production), students will learn how to create their own short films while learning about the film and media industry. This course is perfect for those who want to learn about “content creation” for film and for marketing. Students are also equipped to make shorts that can be delivered for YouTube while learning to use the tools they already have or with minimal equipment.

Finally, an acting course, FINA 101 (Intro to Theatre), is being offered this year after many years on hiatus. Students will learn theory, practice the theatre arts, and analyze plays from the past to present in the contexts they were created for. I am excited as we get to dissect Kim’s Convenience in both its theatrical form and its TV sitcom form in one of our classes together. The course is an in-person course and there are no prerequisites—I am excited to see the students grow in their acting skills for this course as well as for their own personal projects."

So there you have it. Taking a course in film will not only strengthen your ability to critique films, but it will also enable you to develop critical thinking skills and an appreciation for storytelling. It will enable you to look at situations from different perspectives, and give value to your own lived experiences. And all of this can be found in the vast variety of film and media courses taught here at Corpus Christi College, by our very own Kenton MacDonald-Lin.

Kenton MacDonald-Lin is a filmmaker, screenwriter, and instructor of film and media studies at Corpus Christi College. You can check out some of his work on his website, This fall, he will be teaching FILM 100, FILM 233, FILM 283, and FINA 101.

Derrick Mow is a former student at Corpus Christi College who studied courses in Screenwriting, Film Production, Literature and the Visual Arts. He is now in his third year of undergraduate studies at University of British Columbia, where he is completing his Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and minor in Philosophy.

