Meet Megan

Aspiring teacher, outreach leader, street ministry volunteer

Megan was accepted into the BA in Theology and Culture at St. Mark's College and is on her way to becoming a teacher. Congratulations Megan!

I chose Corpus Christi College because I wanted a post-secondary institution where I had the tools to develop myself as a whole person. Corpus offers me ways to grow not only academically, but also mentally and spiritually. I am currently studying to be a teacher, hoping to transfer to St. Mark’s College.

One of my favourite aspects of Corpus Christi is the community.

I have been so blessed to make many new friends in my first year.

I also look forward to serving at The Door Is Open soup kitchen once a month on the downtown eastside of Vancouver.

My favourite courses thus far have been English with Dr. Jamie Paris and Social Justice with Chris Seppelt. These professors are inspiring and engaging and I hope to one day be educators like them.

It’s amazing to think that I have only been part of the Corpus community for one year and it already feels like my second home.
