Our Campus

Corpus Christi is located on the northeastern tip of the University of British Columbia's Vancouver campus. Our facilities include the Dr. John Micallef Library, classrooms, computer lab, student lounge and study spaces, the beautiful St. Mark's Chapel, and administrative offices where you can speak with an academic advisor, your professors or pay your tuition and fees. The environment is welcoming and we encourage you to drop by and experience the sense of community found here.

Buildings, Classrooms & Offices

Dr. John Micallef Memorial Library
St. Mark's College Chapel


1st & 3rd Floors


Vancouver College
The Door Is Open

Computer Lab

Room 103 


  • Faculty Offices
    3rd Floor 
  • Finance Office
    Room 304 
  • Main Office (Pay your tuition & fees)
    Room 206 
  • Registration & Records (Financial Aid & Scholarships)
    Room 303 
  • Student Services: Admission, Advising, Campus Life & Ministry
    2nd Floor 
  • St. Mark’s Parish Office & UBC Catholic Chaplaincy
    Room 201