Our Courses

Corpus Christi is proud to offer over 90 undergraduate courses in a range of subject areas, from Spanish and Anthropology to Business and Geography. These first- and second-year university courses are taught by highly qualified instructors who are passionate about their subject area and who love to teach.

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Browse a sampling of the courses we offer, organized by discipline.

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  • Anthropology

    ANTH 102 (3) Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

  • Astronomy

    ASTR 210 (3) Exploring the Universe: The Solar System

  • Biology

    • BIOL 112 (3) Unicellular Life
    • BIOL 121 (3) Biology I
    • BIOL 140 (2) Laboratory Investigations in Life Science
    • BIOL150 (4) Human Anatomy & Physiology I
    • BIOL 151 (4) Human Anatomy & Physiology II

  • Business

    • BUSN 204 (3) Operations Management and Logistics
    • BUSN 205 (3) Introduction to Management Information Systems
    • BUSN 290 (3) Intro to Quantitative Decision Analysis
    • BUSN 291 (3) Applications of Statistics in Business
    • BUSN 292 (3) Organizational Behaviour
    • BUSN 293 (3) Introductory Financial Accounting
    • BUSN 294 (3) Managerial Accounting
    • BUSN 295 (3) Managerial Economics
    • BUSN 296 (3) Introduction to Marketing
    • BUSN 297 (3) Social Media Strategy
    • BUSN 298 (3) Introduction to Finance

  • Chemistry

    • CHEM 101 (4) Structural Chemistry
    • CHEM102 (4) Physical and Organic Chemistry

  • Chinese Languages

    • CHIN 101 (3) Mandarin for Beginners I (Non-Heritage)
    • CHIN 102 (3) Mandarin for Beginners II (Non-Heritage)

  • Classical Studies

    • CLST 101 (3) Introduction to Greek Civilization
    • CLST 102 (3) Introduction to Roman Civilization
    • CLST 201 (3) Classical Mythology

  • Communications

    • CMNS 102 (3) Introduction to Communications
    • CMNS 150 (3) Introduction to Journalism
    • CMNS 202 (3) Media Literacy and Democracy
    • CMNS 205 (3) Introduction to Communication Strategies for Non-Profits
    • CMNS 210 (3) Digital Media Design, Development, and Usability
    • CMNS 212 (3) Project Management in Digital Media

  • Computer Science

    • CPSC 110 (3) Computation, programs and programming
    • CPSC 121 (3) Methods of Computation

  • Criminology

    • CRIM 200 (3) Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
    • CRIM 205 (3) Canadian Criminal Justice Administration

  • Economics

    • ECON 101 (3) Principles of Micro Economics
    • ECON 102 (3) Principles of Macro Economics
    • ECON 205 (3) Current Canadian and Global Economic Issues
    • ECON 206 (3) Money and Banking

  • English

    • ENGL 099 (3) Introduction to Academic Writing Skills
    • ENGL 110 (3) Academic Reading, Writing, and Thinking
    • ENGL 120 (3) Introduction to Literary Genres
    • ENGL 150 (3) Academic Research and Writing
    • ENGL 216 (3) Contemporary Children's and Young Adult Literature
    • ENGL 228 (3) Literature and Visual Arts
    • ENGL 230 (3) Classical and Biblical Texts and Literature
    • ENGL 231 (3) English Literature to 1750
    • ENGL 232 (3) English Literature (1750-1900)
    • ENGL 233 (3) Canadian Literature
    • ENGL 234 (3) American Literature
    • ENGL 235 (3) World Literature in ENGLISH
    • ENGL 240 (3) Bard on the Beach: An Introduction to Shakespeare and Contemporary Performance
    • ENGL 252 (3) Celtic Mythology
    • ENGL 253 (3) Introduction to Arthurian Literature
    • ENGL 290 (3) Literature and the Visual Arts

  • English - Creative Writing

    • CRWR 201 (3) Creative Writing I
    • CRWR 202 (3) Creative Writing II

  • Film Studies

    • FILM 100 (3) Intro to Film and Media Studies
    • FILM 210 (3) History of Cinema I (1895-1930)
    • FILM 220 (3) History of Cinema II (1930s to the Present)
    • FILM 230 (3) Film and Religion
    • FILM 233 (3) Introduction to Film Productions
    • FILM 283 (3) Introduction to the Screenplay

  • Fine Arts

    • FINA 101 (3) Introduction to Theatre
    • FINA 203 (3) Voice and Movement I
    • FINA 225 (3) Western Art and Architecture: 200-1600 CE

  • First Nations

    FNIS 225 (3) Topics of Canadian First Nations Experience: Moving Toward Reconciliation

  • French

    • FREN 103 (3) Introductory French I
    • FREN 113 (3) Introductory French III
    • FREN 114 (3) Introductory French IV
    • FREN 123 (3) French Language and Literature I

  • Geography

    • GEOG 102 (3) Introduction to Physical Geography: Weather and Climate
    • GEOG 103 (3) Introduction to Physical Geography: Landforms and Vegetation
    • GEOG 206 (3) Geography of British Columbia
    • GEOG 242 (3) Regional Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Geology

    • GEOL 105 (3) Introduction to Physical Geology
    • GEOL 114 (3) Earth’s Natural Disasters

  • History

    • HIST 100 (3) Early Medieval Europe
    • HIST 101 (3) Later Medieval Europe
    • HIST 105 (3) Pre-Confederation History of Canada
    • HIST 106 (3) Post-Confederation History of Canada
    • HIST 110 (3) Indigenous Peoples in Colonial North America
    • HIST 111 (3) Indigenous Peoples in Late 19th and 20th Century North America
    • HIST 200 (3) Europe from Renaissance to French Revolution
    • HIST 201 (3) Europe from French Revolution to Present
    • HIST 203 (3) Classical Islamic Civilization
    • HIST 204 (3) Islam from the Mongols to the Modern Day
    • HIST 210 (3) “Race” and Slavery in Colonial North America
    • HIST 211 (3) “Race” in late 19th and 20th Century North America
    • HIST 235 (3) History of Science

  • Japanese

    • JAPN 101 (3) Japanese for Beginners I
    • JAPN 102 (3) Japanese for Beginners II

  • Latin

    LAST 100 (3) Introduction to Latin America: A Land of Constant Conquest

  • Mathematics

    • MATH 099 (3) Pre-Calculus II
    • MATH 100 (3) Finite Mathematics
    • MATH 104 (3) Differential Calculus for Business, Economics, Social Sciences
    • MATH 105 (3) Integral Calculus for Business, Economics and the Social Sciences
    • MATH 110 (3) Differential Calculus I
    • MATH 111 (3) Differential Calculus II
    • MATH 230 (3) Introduction to Finite Mathematics

  • Music

    MUSC 110 (3) Music History Pre-1700
    MUSC 120 (3) Music History Post-1700

  • Philosophy

    • PHIL 101 (3) Greek Philosophy from Pre-Socratics to Aristotle
    • PHIL 102 (3) Philosophy from Post-Aristotelic Period to Early Medieval
    • PHIL 103 (3) Introduction to Philosophy
    • PHIL 104 (3) Critical Thinking
    • PHIL 131 (3) Introduction to Ethics
    • PHIL 201 (3) History of Philosophy from Later Middle Ages to 16th Century
    • PHIL 202 (3) History of Philosophy from Descartes to Kant
    • PHIL 203 (3) Philosophy of Religion
    • PHIL 217 (3) Philosophy of the Human Person
    • PHIL 218 (3) Philosophy and Consumer Culture
    • PHIL 219 (3) Epistemology
    • PHIL 220 (3) Metaphysics
    • PHIL 231 (3) Business Ethics

  • Physics

    • PHYS 100 (3) Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Heat
    • PHYS 101 (3) Physics I
    • PHYS 102 (3) Electricity, Light and Radiation

  • Political Science

    • POLI 100 (3) Modern Western Politics
    • POLI 101 (3) Challenges in Contemporary Canadian Politics
    • POLI 201 (3) International Politics
    • POLI 202 (3) Politics of Resources
    • POLI 203 (3) Comparative International Politics (Asia)
    • POLI 210 (3) Environmental Politics
    • POLI 220 (3) Politics of the Arctic
    • POLI 230 (3) Government & Politics of the U.S.
    • POLI 240 (3) Foundations of Western Political Thought

  • Psychology

    • PSYC 100 (3) Introduction to Psychology I
    • PSYC 101 (3) Introduction to Psychology II
    • PSYC 201 (3) Research Methods in Psychology
    • PSYC 202 (3) Analysis of Behavioural Data
    • PSYC 205 (3) The Psychology of Child Development

  • Religious Studies

    • RELG 101(3) Introduction to the Old Testament
    • RELG 102 (3) Introduction to the New Testament
    • RELG 200 (3) Modern Catholic Social Teaching
    • RELG 201 (3) Themes in Scripture
    • RELG 202 (3) Early Christian Writings
    • RELG 207 (3) World Religions
    • RELG 208 (3) Major Shapers of the Christian Tradition (Augustine to Aquinas)
    • RELG 209 (3) Major Shapers of the Christian Tradition (Ignatius of Loyola to Merton)
    • RELG 212 (3) Near Eastern Myths and the Hebrew Bible
    • RELG 225 (3) Christianity and Science: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives and Issues
    • RELG 230 (3) Protestant History and Thought
    • RELG 235 (3) World Religions and the Sciences
    • RELG 240 (3) Explorations in Catholicism

  • Social Justice and Peace Studies

    • SJPS 101 (3) Social Justice and Peace Studies: Selected Topics I
    • SJPS 102 (3) Social Justice and Peace Studies: Land, Literature and Spirit
    • SJPS 111 (3) Social Justice and Peace Studies: An Introduction
    • SJPS 220 (3) Social Justice and Peace Studies: Contexts of Contemporary Aboriginal Experience
    • SJPS 228 (3) Human Rights Violations: Voices from the Margins

  • Sociology

    • SOCI 100 (3) Introduction to Sociology: The Human Person, Society and Power
    • SOCI 101 (3) Introduction to Sociology: Power Institutions and Social Change
    • SOCI 110 (3) Homelessness and the Downtown Eastside
    • SOCI 203 (3) Social Issues Communication
    • SOCI 210 (3) Ethnic and Racial Marginalization in North-American Cities
    • SOCI 211 (3) Religion and Society in Canada
    • SOCI 240 (3) Social Issues in Education

  • Spanish

    SPAN 101 (3) Introduction to Spanish I
    SPAN 102 (3) Elementary Spanish II
    SPAN 201 (3) Intermediate Spanish I
    SPAN 202 (3) Intermediate Spanish II

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