Mission and Vision 

Corpus Christi College is a community of learning and faith 

Corpus Christi College is a community of learning and faith, which shares with Catholic institutions around the globe a rich intellectual tradition almost 2,000 years old. The character of the Catholic university is wonderfully described in Pope John Paul II's apostolic constitution From the Heart of the Church.

As a Catholic college, Corpus Christi College strives to be an incomparable centre of creativity and dissemination of knowledge for the good of humanity, dedicated to research, to teaching and to the education of students who freely associate with their teachers in a common love of knowledge. With every other university and college it shares that joy of searching for, discovering and communicating truth in every field of knowledge.

We strive to educate lifelong learners who are prepared to take on the intellectual, professional, and social challenges of our times. 

At Corpus Christi College, students are challenged to pursue an education that combines excellence in humanistic and cultural development with specialized professional training. Most especially, they are challenged to continue the search for truth and for meaning throughout their lives, since "the human spirit must be cultivated in such a way that there results a growth in its ability to wonder, to understand, to contemplate, to make personal judgments, and to develop a religious, moral, and social sense". Corpus Christi College students should realize the responsibility of their professional life, the enthusiasm of being the trained leaders of tomorrow, and the importance of being witnesses to Christ in whatever place they may exercise their profession (from Ex Corde Ecclesiae, 1, 23).


Corpus Christi College will educate articulate and creative lifelong learners, who, as servant leaders, will be prepared to take on the intellectual, professional, and social challenges of our times.


Together, Corpus Christi College and St. Mark's College will become the vibrant centre of Catholic higher educational and intellectual life at UBC and in British Columbia.
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