Using prayer, shared experiences, and explorations of faith, we can enhance the spiritual life of our College community and beyond.

Liturgy & Lunch

Every Wednesday during Lent – beginning on Ash Wednesday, and continuing until the day before Holy Thursday – join the Community of St. Mark’s in prayer (daily Mass celebrated at St. Mark’s Chapel) and at lunch in Plato’s Cave Café.  Special guests will facilitate dialogue about contemporary hot button issues, and encourage all who are gathered to cultivate the world anew.
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Christians of all denominations and all persons of good will are invited to gather to pray for unity during the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Leadership Prayer Breakfast

This annual event, hosted by City in Focus, attracts over 1,000 people from all walks of life: public servants, business leaders, not-profit organizations and students.  Together, we offer support and pray for those who serve in elected positions in our community.  A Q&A session held after the breakfast concludes the program.

Every year, our students engage in this opportunity to gather with local leaders who have vast experience in prayer and action, participating in God’s work for good in our city and around the world.


We welcome persons from all faith backgrounds. Inter-faith dialogue and collaboration at and from our campus enriches our community socially and spiritually. Aware that not all who belong to our community are Catholic and that we cannot meet everyone’s spiritual needs, we are committed to making connections with people who can.

For more information about faith sharing opportunities, please contact the Campus Ministry Office
