UBC Affiliate Services

Take advantage of a wide range of services and facilities on the UBC campus!

Beyond our Student Services, you can also access many services offered at UBC using your UBC affiliate card. 


    Are Academic Accommodations (via UBC Centre for Accessibility) for You?

    Do you have an ongoing medical condition or disability that impacts your access to campus activities? Did you receive academic or other disability-related accommodations at another educational institution?

    Eligibility Requirements for Academic Accommodations
    If, and only if, you have answered "yes" to either of these questions, then only UBC’s Centre for Accessibility - NOT the Student Resource Centre (SRC), NOT our staff, and NOT your instructor - determines your eligibility for academic accommodations in accordance with the university’s Policy 73: Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.

    When a student has been deemed by UBC’s Centre for Accessibility as eligible for academic accommodations, received an approved accommodations letter, and provided a copy to the SRC and his/her instructor(s), the SRC then facilitates disability-related accommodations and programming initiatives designed to remove barriers for students with disabilities and ongoing medical conditions, while following the SRC's procedures for Academic Accommodations.

    For more information, contact Academic Accommodations at the Student Resource Centre (SRC).
    mailEmail Academic Accommodations at the SRC

  • Counselling, Health & Wellness

    Make Mental Health a Priority

    Full-time Corpus Christi students are automatically enrolled in a research course through St. Mark’s College, a UBC-affiliated College. This enables Corpus students to access UBC Student Health Services located at the UBC Hospital and UBC Counselling Services.

  • Health and Dental Insurance

    You are covered!

    Full-time Corpus Christi students are automatically enrolled in a research course through St. Mark’s College, a UBC-affiliated College. This enables Corpus students to be members of the AMS and enrol in the AMS/GSS Health and Dental Plan with extended health and dental coverage.

    The plan is specifically designed to cover expenses not included in basic medical coverage: prescription drugs, vision care, dental care, travel health insurance and more.

    Opting Out of Health and Dental Insurance
    Students who already have comprehensive coverage are permitted to opt out of the Health and Dental Plan. Those wishing to opt out must pay all fees and then apply for a refund. Opting out can only be done during the “change of coverage” period. Opt out refunds are controlled by the Health and Dental Plan offices at UBC. Speak to Enrolment Services for more information.
    mailEmail Enrolment Services

  • Housing

    Apply Early

    Corpus students have the opportunity to live at St. Andrew’s Hall or Carey Centre, but they need to apply early. Priority wait list status is given to Corpus students at St. Andrew's Hall and Carey Centre.

    Single rooms, studios, one-bedroom apartments, and quads are available. Applications are handled directly through each residence.
    For more information about housing options, fees, and application deadlines, please visit:
    •     Carey Centre Residential Community
    •     St. Andrew’s Hall

    •    More Campus Housing
    •    UBC AMS Rentsline

  • Parking

    Honestly, busing is better

    We are unable to provide student parking in the Corpus Christi lot. All parking on campus is permit-only, and your car could be towed if you park in a permit-only spot. We encourage our students to take transit, ride their bikes, or rideshare. If you are driving, Carey Centre across the street from Corpus offers pay parking.

    Find nearby parking at UBC

  • Sports and Fitness

    Stay Active

    Full-time Corpus Christi students are automatically enrolled in a research course through St. Mark’s College, a UBC-affiliated College. This enables Corpus students to take part in some sports and fitness programs at UBC.

    Students have the option to pay the UBC Athletic and Recreation fee. By paying this fee, students will be able to use UBC Athletic and Recreation services, such as the swimming pool, the Bird Coop and the gyms, at UBC student prices.

    Intramurals participation is available at no additional cost.

  • UBC Amenities, Alma Mater Society and Clubs

    What is Corpus Christi College's connection to UBC? Full-time Corpus Christi College students can access many of the services and benefits UBC offers its students through automatic enrolment in a St. Mark’s College research course. As St. Mark’s College is affiliated with UBC, students enrolled in this research course become members of the UBC Alma Mater Society (AMS) and can participate actively in UBC campus life.

    UBC Amenities
    Corpus students are eligible to opt into AMS Health and Dental coverage, receive a UBC Library Card and Compass Card transit pass, and can join UBC intramurals and clubs. They can access UBC facilities like the Student Union Building and Aquatic Centre, as well as UBC’s Student Services like Student Health Services and Counselling Services, and the Centre for Accessibility.

    Alma Mater Society (AMS) Clubs
    The AMS is the official student union of UBC and represents over 50,000 students and alumni. Getting involved in extra-curricular activities is an enriching part of the university experience. No matter what your interests are, the AMS will have a club that suits you.

    Catholic Clubs at UBC
    These are some active Catholic clubs on campus:

         Newman Club 
         Korean Catholic Students Association 
         Knights of Columbus 
         Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO)

  • U-Pass Bus Pass

    The U-Pass program is a comprehensive transportation package that provides students with universal, accessible, and affordable access to public transit.

    To learn about the U-Pass program, click here.
