Prayer of the Community of St. Mark's at UBC

St. Mark's College - Corpus Christi College - St. Mark's Parish

Creator of all things, true source of Light and Wisdom,
origin of all being, graciously let a ray of Your light
penetrate our minds, hearts and souls.
(adjusted from St. Thomas Aquinas’ prayer for students)

In Your love You surround us with the mysteries of the universe,
You sent Your Son to show us the way;
send Your Holy Spirit upon us, and fill us with Your wisdom and blessing.

Grant that our students may devote themselves to their studies
and draw ever closer to You and to your people.
Give them strength and grace as they grow, strengthen and develop new relationships;
give them wisdom and knowledge as their minds search for understanding and truth;
and give peace and zeal to their hearts.

Look upon our teachers and let them strive to share their knowledge
with gentle patience and endeavor, always to bring Your Truth to eager minds.

Be with all our staff members whose often unseen work
supports the programs, activities and efforts of our Community.

Guide all of us as we continue to journey toward You.
We ask this through the intercession of St. Mark
and in Jesus Christ our Lord.

