Ways to Give

There are many ways to give to support Catholic higher education in British Columbia.

Gifts and pledges may be tailored to achieve your charitable objective while providing you with significant tax benefits and savings. For more information about ways to give, or to discuss an opportunity or program you'd like to help establish, please contact our Development Office at 604.822.5438 or [email protected].
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Gifts by Cheque

Corpus Christi College welcomes gifts by cheque. If you choose to donate by cheque, you’ll receive a donation receipt for the full amount of your gift. 

Mail cheques to

Corpus Christi College Society
Development Office
5935 Iona Drive
Vancouver, BC V6T 1J7

Give Online

You may donate online with your credit card via CanadaHelps.org.
launchGive Online

Give by telephone

Credit card donations may also be made by calling 604-822-6862. For security reasons, do not provide credit card information via email or fax.

Types of Gift

  • Monthly Giving


    Monthly Giving

    Regular donation made through affordable monthly payments is easy! Not only does giving monthly show your ongoing commitment to the mission of the College, it also provides a steady source of funds and reduces costs for Corpus Christi.

  • Annual Gifts

    Annual Gifts

    Incomes from tuition and modest endowment provide a portion of the cost for educating a student. Annual gifts provide current and immediately impactful funds critically for all areas across the Corpus Christi College campus. These vital, unrestricted dollars provide the financial flexibility necessary to expand our commitments to academic excellence and to pursue opportunities in areas for emerging needs. From teaching to technology, to scholarship, donors’ generosity can touch every aspect of life on campus. Visit our Areas of Need (link) to direct your Annual Fund gift, and review the many ways in which you can make an immediate impact at Corpus Christi College.

  • Gifts of Securities

    Gifts of Securities

    Publicly traded securities include shares, bonds and mutual funds. Donating publicly traded securities directly to Corpus Christi College - rather than donating the cash proceeds from their sale – may provide substantial tax savings. In the May 2, 2006 federal budget, the government eliminated the capital gains tax on donations of securities or shares. This means even more tax savings for donors. Corpus Christi College can accept both electronic and certificate shares, as well as gifts of publicly traded options. If you choose this gift type, you will receive a donation receipt for the fair market value of the gift.

  • Gifts in Kind

    Gifts in Kind

    A gift-in-kind is a non-cash donation. Gifts-in-kind includes items such as personal effects, artwork and real estate. Corpus Christi College may accept a gift-in-kind as a charitable donation if the item is consistent with the College’s mission, goals, and priorities. Tax receipts for the fair market price are issued after the gift has been appraised, on items valued over $1,000. The appraiser must be acting at arm’s length for either the donor or Corpus Christi College.

  • Tribute Gifts

    Tribute Gifts

    A tribute gift to Corpus Christi College in memory or in honour of a special person or event is a thoughtful recognition or remembrance and meaningful way to support Corpus Christi College. A memorial gift is a lasting tribute to honour the memory of someone dearly loved. A gift in honour of someone can celebrate a special occasion such as a birthday, wedding, retirement, graduation, new job, Christmas, or any other special event. You can choose to designate your gift to any of our programs, while enriching a wonderful educational experience for students. We can assist you to establish a named scholarship through a memorial gift or gift in honor.

  • Planned Gifts


    Planned Gifts

    Planned gifts are charitable donations deferred into the future or to the time of one’s passing. Planned gifts give back, allowing you to take advantage of sizeable income, capital gains, and estate deductions on your taxes. Planned gifts have unique tax implications and we would be pleased to work with you to ensure your best interests are considered when creating a planned gift. The following are examples of planned giving opportunities:
    • Charitable remainder trusts 
    • Bequests and wills
    • Insurance policies
    • Gift plus annuity plans 
    • Gifts of residual interests
    • Gifts of RRIFs and RRSPs

  • Endowment Gifts

    Endowment Gifts

    Designed to build and secure the future financial stability, endowment gifts are permanent trusts. While the capital of the endowment is preserved in perpetuity, the investment income generates income revenue. Gifts of any size help build our current endowment. A named endowment may be contributed over several years and designated for a special project that is meaningful to the donor.

  • Major and Capital Gifts

    Major and Capital Gifts

    In support of the expansion and/or improvement of the physical campus, major and capital gifts last for generations. Past gifts have enabled modest improvement of the main building, library, chapel, and technology. All of these factors help us attract and retain students as well as faculty. For the last 16 years, Corpus Christi delivers many of its programs out of St. Mark’s College, a building that dates back to 1958. Through thoughtful conversion of a limited footprint, three classrooms have now been converted to five classrooms. In order to continue to meet the needs of a growing student population, additional space is needed! 

    As with other buildings and schools within the Archdiocese of Vancouver, St. Mark’s College commissioned a Conceptual Seismic Upgrade Structural Report to determine structural capacity in the event of a major earthquake. The study reveals a $4million cost for the upgrade. A capital plan is underway to address the building and infrastructure requirements.

  • Corporate Matching


    Corporate Matching – Double the Donation

    Employees are often encouraged to contribute to charitable organizations in their community through the creation of matching gift programs. These programs allow companies to match all donations to eligible non-profit organizations like Corpus Christi College. As a result of matching gift programs, your donation can have twice the impact on our campus and in the lives of our students.

    Contact your human resources department to find out if your employer can help your gift have twice the impact. They will provide you with the necessary information and forms to apply for this unique program.

  • Payroll Deduction for Corpus Christi College Staff and Faculty

    Payroll Deduction for Corpus Christi College Staff and Faculty

    Faculty and staff members may choose to make gifts via bi-monthly payroll contributions. Payroll contributions are an easy way to support Corpus Christi College students and to enhance programs. Ongoing payroll contributions are noted on your T4 at the end of the year for income tax purposes.

  • Tax Deductible Donations for US Residents

    Tax Deductible Donations for US Residents

    We are pleased to be able to offer friends residing in the United States the opportunity to make a tax-deductible donation to Corpus Christi College. United States residents will receive a US tax receipt to maximize tax benefits in the donor’s country of residence.

  • Friends of Independent Schools and Better Education

    Friends of Independent Schools and Better Education

    FRISBE (Friends of Independent Schools and Better Education) is a licensed US non-profit organization that promotes and encourages educational institutions who emphasize scholarship, moral character, individual responsibility and initiative. Corpus Christi College and other Canadian independent schools benefit from Friends of Independent Schools and Better Education (FRISBE). FRISBE directs donor gifts to various independent schools within Canada.

    FRISBE is a registered non-profit corporation in the United States and it will accept cheques only. Contributions and gifts to FRISBE, Federal Tax Number 91- 1216755, are deductible for federal income tax purposes to the full extent permitted by law.

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