The Instructor’s Role in Confirming Accommodations

  • At least 7 days (incl. weekends) in advance:
    • Receive the student’s email sent to Accommodations, where the instructor is cc’d in the message, that contains the student’s request for academic accommodations for a particular test or exam.
  • Within 48 hours AFTER receiving the student’s email:
    • Reply All to the student AND Accommodations in the same email to confirm the student’s request.
    • Instructors may also provide any other important details, e.g. scheduling, materials, and instructions, as accommodations arrangements for that test or exam.
  • Within 48 hours BEFORE the scheduled exam date + time:
    • Provide a copy of the student's exam to the SRC Office
      • For print copies, please drop off at Room 203 (SRC Office) or Angus Chan's Mailbox at the Reception Office
      • For digital copies, please send as a .pdf or .doc attachment to [email protected]
        • The SRC will print digital copies of the exam for the scheduled exam date + time.

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