Accommodations at the SRC helps students who have received approved academic accommodations from UBC Centre for Accessibility for their assignments, quizzes, and exams during the school term.

Specifically, Academic Accommodations are for students enrolled in courses at Corpus Christi College and St. Mark’s College who have completed the following steps:

  1. Applied for academic accommodations at UBC Centre for Accessibility ([email protected] or 604-822-5844) with current and relevant medical documentation to support their application.
  2. Received a valid accommodations letter from UBC Centre for Accessibility for their current academic year.
  3. Contacted Accommodations at the SRC (Room 203) ([email protected]) about their approved accommodations and provided a copy of their accommodations letter.
  4. Informed their instructor(s) about their accommodations and provided each instructor a copy of their accommodations letter.
  5. Renewed their accommodations letter with UBC Centre for Accessibility once a year throughout their studies at Corpus Christi College and St. Mark’s College, if needed.

Academic Accommodations are provided only to students who have completed each of the above steps. If a student who is missing any of these steps wishes to arrange academic accommodations in their courses during the term, Accommodations will direct and help the student to complete those steps before any requests for accommodations can be made.

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