
Mask and Vaccination update

Dear Corpus Christi-St. Mark’s community,

Our planning for the return to campus this fall continues to be informed by a commitment to protecting the health, safety and well-being of the campus community while remaining mindful of the importance of adaptability as conditions change. In recent weeks, BC has experienced a steady increase in COVID-19 case counts, and there are continued concerns about cases surging, especially in light of the variants.

Below we have outlined information related to the start of classes that have been put into place with thoughtful consideration about how we can best ensure a return to campus that supports the well-being of all who gather together in our community. We understand that navigating changing restrictions and policies can be challenging, and we thank you for your patience and understanding as we strive to maintain a high level of education, sense of community, and safe work and learning environment.


Corpus Christi-St. Mark’s enacted a mask mandate for our buildings on August 23 and were very welcoming of the BC government’s mask mandate announced on August 25. In alignment with this new mandate, masks must be worn by students, faculty, staff and visitors in all public indoor areas, including:
• Classrooms
• Labs
• Lobbies and hallways
• Stairwells and elevators

If you would like to discuss an accommodation, students are to email the Dean of Students Office ([email protected]). Staff and Faculty are to contact the Human Resources Office ([email protected]).


At this time, the BC government is not requiring proof of vaccination to attend post-secondary classes, seminars or tutorials. Please note that while vaccinations are not required to be in class at this time, without a vaccination there will be areas of campus that will not be accessible to you.

Students wishing to attend UBC activities such as indoor ticketed concerts and sporting events; conferences; and indoor high intensity group exercise and use UBC facilities such as restaurants, pubs and bars; movie theatres; gyms and pools; and recreation facilities will be required to show proof of vaccination using the BC Vaccine Card.

Classroom Logistics

Although the Provincial Health Officer has indicated that there are no limits on the number of participants for in-class educational activities (e.g. a classroom with 30 seats can be scheduled with 30 students; a lecture theatre with 150 seats can be scheduled with 150 students), Corpus Christi-St. Mark’s has decided to not schedule in-person classes with 100% capacity.

With the recent campus renovations, many of our classrooms now accommodate 55+ students but the College will continue to cap in-person classes at 35 students.

We strongly encourage everyone in our community to continue to follow all public health measures, including vaccination, hand hygiene, and daily self-administered health checks. Our priority is to continue to provide an optimal educational experience for all students while minimizing risks of infection for everybody.

As we see the increased resumption of in-person teaching, learning, and activity this fall, we are excited to see the vibrancy return to our campus.

Your COVID-19 Response Team
