Courses in Digital Media and Communications

Are you a born communicator? Are you interested in a career in marketing, communications, or media?

Gain a solid academic foundation while you learn effective ways of communicating in an increasingly digitized world–whether for business or non-profit. 

How You Will Benefit

  • Become skilled at targeting your message as you integrate critical thinking with practical digital media skills   
  • Learn to develop digital communication strategies and interactive projects   
    • Get training from industry professionals and seasoned communications veterans  
  • Benefit from a 6-week practicum in your second year

    Check out some of our sample courses:

    (All courses listed are available online)
  • COMM 203Social Issues in Communications  
    COMM 205Introduction to Communications for Non-Profits 
    COMM 210Digital Media Design, Development and Usability 
    COMM 212Project Management in Digital Media 
    FILM 100Introduction to Film and Media Studies 
    FILM 220History of Cinema 1930 to Present  

    Explore More Courses

    Hands-on Practicum – 6 credits

    Year 2 students have the opportunity to gain skills and work experience during a summer practicum (6-week min.) 

    Transfer Options

    • Start your studies at Corpus Christi College 
    • Transfer directly into Year 2 or Year 3 of a Bachelor’s program in communication, digital media, marketing, design, and more 

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