Meet Ciaran Sanders

Second Year Representative for the Catholic Colleges Student Union (CCSU)

An avid athlete, charismatic community leader and part-time podcaster, Ciaran is excited to create a dynamic student life environment this year with the CCSU.

What is the greatest strength you bring to the table as a CCSU member?

My biggest strength is personality and effectively navigating different social circles. I am comfortable one-on-one or in group settings. I’m looking forward to talking with students to see what is on their minds and what I can provide for them as a CCSU member.

Last year you completed the INSPIRE Leadership program. What were some takeaways from the class that will help you in your new leadership role?

I now have a clearer picture of what type of person I am and I have a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses. I am pretty easy going and the class showed me areas where I can be more assertive.  I really enjoyed the leadership retreat with the class. I did not know a lot of the people going into the retreat and then I made many good friends that I kept throughout the year.

Which resources do you take advantage of at Corpus?

Talking with the people who work at Corpus is always beneficial. Nina Bennett is super helpful with student life activities. There was always support when I had an exam conflict. Of course, Jimmy Lam, the academic advisor, was a huge help when choosing my courses. Student services are a huge help at Corpus.

What are your plans for the CCSU?

Yes, I have a lot of plans. I think the CCSU can create an environment so that the students who weren't involved at all last year could see Corpus as a place where they can hang out and meet new people. No more just walking in, going to class and then walking out. I would also like to see more involvement from the student body to utilize services that UBC has, including using UBC sports facilities like basketball courts or a soccer field.

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Get involved with Corpus and set up shop here but also look at what UBC has to offer. Corpus is very small, which is good, but you can also take advantage of resources UBC. If you are looking for a unique sport, like Quidditch, Corpus doesn't have a Quidditch team, but you can still do that at UBC.

Do you have a favourite book?

I can name my top 3:
1. Perks of Being a Wallflower
2. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
3. All The Light We Cannot See

What are your plans for the future and your ideal job?

I plan to transfer to UBC after Corpus, specifically into International Relations or Political Science. If I could just be a philanthropist, that would be my ideal job. I also have an affinity for the field of law and may pursue a law degree. I’m also interested being in a creative field as I have a passion for performing arts so involving that in some way would be ideal.

Do you have any hobbies?

Yes, I enjoy reading and watching films. Right now I have a project podcast with a friend of mine, called “The Ciaran and Josh Experience”. My friend and I banter back and forth for an hour with very little editing, very little censorship, trying to keep it as organic as possible.
