Angela Armeni

Meet Angela Armeni, Chair for the Catholic Colleges Student Union (CCSU). Elected in April, Angela’s energetic personality, strong work ethic and passion for teamwork won over voters during the student elections. As a second year student, Angela is looking forward to welcoming a new class of students in September and leading a dynamic CCSU team.

As the chair of the CCSU, what is the biggest strength you bring to the table?

My greatest strength is being able to connect with people, and make sure we are all on the same page.
Also, I have a passion for helping others. I hope to inspire others just as my family, teachers, and friends have inspired me.

What was a highlight during your first year at Corpus?

Every experience I had at Corpus has been something I have enjoyed - the classes, getting know students. The professors are great. We actually get to talk with them and experience more than them just saying “Here’s the outline. Have fun.”

What advice do you have for incoming students?

There is no need to be afraid! Have fun.
I was really scared coming into post-secondary. After hearing the Corpus recruiters give a presentation, I said “Oh my gosh, this school is for me”. They were talking about the community and the relationships the students have, not just with each other, but with faculty and professors. I don't have to worry that a professor is not going to know me. I am not just a number - I am Angela.
You will stress sometimes, that is life, but the best thing is having friends that are there to help and support you. Don't be afraid to open up and talk to new people. Corpus will welcome you.

As someone who commutes to campus, what are some ways you stay connected to the Corpus and UBC community?

Yes, I live at home in good ol’ Burnaby.
I do a lot of things during my breaks in between classes.  At lunch breaks there are different activities such as smoothie making activities, taco day, etc. I have also attended some events off campus such as the CCSU End of the Year Banquet.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to become a teacher. Right now they have the teaching program at St. Mark’s College and I’ll do the BA program in Theology and Culture. The teaching concentrations are English, History and Catholic Studies so it could give me an advantage when applying to teach in a Catholic school. I went to Catholic school through elementary, high school and now college.

Do you have a favourite movie?

I am warning you now - they are all going to be musicals! In high school, I loved choir and I used to sing around the hallways. I was involved with concert choir, show choir, plays and musicals.
Singing in the Rain, the Sound of Music, Hairspray and Cinderella.